
Traditionally, design has been part of the product development process. However it’s also a great tool when exploring and defining strategic plans! Since the link between ideation and implementation is fundamental when working with design, our process can serve as a bridge between theory and reality! Data is critical for making good and balanced decisions, but without the possibility to visualize, test and validate the decisions, the strategic work lacks crucial input!

Creative Boost
Every design quest starts with ideation. At Cliff Design we always start of with gathering as many competences as possible to explore a given task. Using workshops, we aim to get the widest possible range of ideas.

Design Strategy
Design strategy is to mind the future of a brand and/or a product/service range, making sure the communication is prioritized based on business, economy, impact and sustainability.

To communicate an idea or a concept, the context is of great importance. Using characters, environments, scenarios and assumed delimitations, a product/concept is more tangeble for an audience. When e.g. pitching an idea or anchoring a design vision within an organization, a clear story boosts the credability.

UX Research


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