Remote eye tracker

Smart Eye

Our commitment with Smarteye gave us the opportunity to merge tech innovation with clear functionality, empowering users with Eye Tracking technology on the highest level.

Creative Boost ✦
Every design quest starts with ideation. At Cliff Design we always start of with gathering as many competences as possible to explore a given task. Using workshops, we aim to get the widest possible range of ideas.

Graphic Design ✦
Graphic Design is all about comminication, to emphizise values, to clearify statements and to be consistent. At Cliff Design this can be manifested through film, illustration, artwork, stationery, brand books, web pages, photography, logotypes, icons, UX etc...

Design Strategy ✦
Design strategy is to mind the future of a brand and/or a product/service range, making sure the communication is prioritized based on business, economy, impact and sustainability.

Product Design ✦
Product design is one of our core offers. It icludes everything from sketches to design NUFO:s and concept engineering.

Visualization ✦
Rendering is used to explore different materials, textures, graphics and colors. It can be used to communicate ideas in a more clear way making sure all parts of an organization is on board as to where the project is heading. Furthermore it is a great way of creating pre-launch marketing material and scenarios.

Surface Design ✦
To balance surfaces and highlights is an artform and requires a special craftsmanship. Cliff Design has always taken pride in delivering high quality 3D-nufos. Our competence is mainly within Alias and ICEM surf. We work with everything from concept modeling to A-class surfaces.

A deep understanding of both technology and user
groups created the necessary climate that has resulted in several succesful product launches.


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Martin Lundquist

Business Manager 706 87 87 02