The Classic Glacier Bay Parka


From our studio in Göteborg, we provided comprehensive support by handling high-quality photography, filming, and post-production for web and marketing purposes.

Design Strategy ✦
Design strategy is to mind the future of a brand and/or a product/service range, making sure the communication is prioritized based on business, economy, impact and sustainability.

Graphic Design ✦
Graphic Design is all about comminication, to emphizise values, to clearify statements and to be consistent. At Cliff Design this can be manifested through film, illustration, artwork, stationery, brand books, web pages, photography, logotypes, icons, UX etc...

Storytelling ✦
To communicate an idea or a concept, the context is of great importance. Using characters, environments, scenarios and assumed delimitations, a product/concept is more tangeble for an audience. When e.g. pitching an idea or anchoring a design vision within an organization, a clear story boosts the credability.

Cliff Design supported Sailracing with film and post-production from our studio in Göteborg.


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Martin Lundquist

Business Manager 706 87 87 02