Catching Lightning With A Drone


We provided comprehensive support to the production agency Leftfield Entertainment in pitching a broadcast series idea to the National Geographic Network.

Creative Boost ✦
Every design quest starts with ideation. At Cliff Design we always start of with gathering as many competences as possible to explore a given task. Using workshops, we aim to get the widest possible range of ideas.

Polygon Modeling ✦
Polygon modeling is a quick and diverse way to explore shape and design, making the process efficient and straight forward. It is a powerfull method to visualize and to set an early design vision without getting locked up in advanced surface CAD data. It is also used for animation, texturing, rigging and visualization.

Product Design ✦
Product design is one of our core offers. It icludes everything from sketches to design NUFO:s and concept engineering.

Storytelling ✦
To communicate an idea or a concept, the context is of great importance. Using characters, environments, scenarios and assumed delimitations, a product/concept is more tangeble for an audience. When e.g. pitching an idea or anchoring a design vision within an organization, a clear story boosts the credability.

Animation ✦
Cliff Design use animation to further explain functionality, tell a story or add an extra dimension to the visualization of a product/concept/service. We mainly use this tool as part of a development process showing user scenarios of products or UX scenarios.

Cliff Design teamed up with adventurer, explorer and filmmaker Sam Cossman to define a research concept using unconventional methods and modern technology to learn more about one of nature’s largest forces.

By exploring ideas, creating scenarios and developing concepts, we defined a communication platform for all the competences needed in order to take the next step towards realization and seeking investors. To be continued…


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Martin Lundquist

Business Manager 706 87 87 02