
Enbio - Micro Autoclave

In 2013 Enbio presented their new Autoclave EnbioJet. A product that sterilizes using microwaves instead of traditional autoclaves where the process is steam based.

Creative Boost ✦
Every design quest starts with ideation. At Cliff Design we always start of with gathering as many competences as possible to explore a given task. Using workshops, we aim to get the widest possible range of ideas.

Product Design ✦
Product design is one of our core offers. It icludes everything from sketches to design NUFO:s and concept engineering.

Visualization ✦
Rendering is used to explore different materials, textures, graphics and colors. It can be used to communicate ideas in a more clear way making sure all parts of an organization is on board as to where the project is heading. Furthermore it is a great way of creating pre-launch marketing material and scenarios.

Conventional Autoclaves temperature distribution across a liquid in a flask is extremely non-uniform.

Therefore EnbioJet microwave autoclave offers a big advantage in this aspect, since it allows for contactless energy transfer directly to the liquid. This process is very fast and engages the entire volume at once.


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Martin Lundquist

Business Manager
martin.lundquist@cliffdesign.com+46 706 87 87 02