Brand Identity


Reshaping Klimators's brand identity through the development of a brand platform and integrating the finalized outcomes onto a website. This involved updating logos, colour schemes, typography, and imagery for consistency across all touch points.

Design Strategy ✦
Design strategy is to mind the future of a brand and/or a product/service range, making sure the communication is prioritized based on business, economy, impact and sustainability.

Graphic Design ✦
Graphic Design is all about comminication, to emphizise values, to clearify statements and to be consistent. At Cliff Design this can be manifested through film, illustration, artwork, stationery, brand books, web pages, photography, logotypes, icons, UX etc...

Storytelling ✦
To communicate an idea or a concept, the context is of great importance. Using characters, environments, scenarios and assumed delimitations, a product/concept is more tangeble for an audience. When e.g. pitching an idea or anchoring a design vision within an organization, a clear story boosts the credability.

Creative Boost ✦
Every design quest starts with ideation. At Cliff Design we always start of with gathering as many competences as possible to explore a given task. Using workshops, we aim to get the widest possible range of ideas.

Illustration ✦
Cliff Design´s approach to illustration is using the same process as for any other design related request. We carefully research the end-reciever and what needs to be emphazised to achive the best possible communication. We work with everything from scenarios, post-product sketches to technical drawings.

The project started by defining the Klimator brand. This was done through various workshop activities. The foundation of the company communication was formulated through core values- and visual identity. The work resulted in a platform/brand book, serving as a future communication strategy for Klimator.

In order to achieve a deliberate and conscious communication, a clear definition of the brand was imperative. While working with Klimator, Cliff Design put a lot of emphasis on interviews, market definitions, positioning, field trips, competitor mapping, sales strategy and channels of communication. Using our different matrice models in a cross disciplinary process, proved to be a learning experience for both Cliff Design and Klimator.

When the brand platform was established, the implementation started with Klimator's online presentation. The work included a fully updated graphical design language - including layout, fonts, logo, colors, image language and tonality.  

Visit the website


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Martin Lundquist

Business Manager 706 87 87 02